残疾 and 可及性服务


Applicants who identify themselves as having a disability during the admissions process are considered for admission on the same competitive basis as other applicants. 的 coordinator of student access services, in the Office for 学生学术服务, is available to talk with prospective students with disabilities. 学生和他们的 parents should bear in mind that Skidmore has no formal disabilities program. 的 coordinator of student access services acts as a resource for students who believe that they require modifications and/or accommodations on campus and in the classroom. If a student anticipates requesting academic accommodations at Skidmore, they should be prepared to provide documentation confirming the presence of a specific disability and demonstrating its impact on academic and/or other areas of college functioning. It is important to note that accommodations given in high school, either by a 504 plan on IEP, do not automatically carry over into college.

After enrolling, all students receive a copy of 应用ing for Accommodations/Services at 火博体育大学. Students with a documented disability are invited to complete the 应用程序. Documentation is reviewed to determine if the student meets ADA and 火博体育大学 eligibility criteria for identification as "a student with an educational disability." If the student's documentation is conclusive, the coordinator will work with the student to determine which requested accommodations are reasonable for the college setting. First-year students with disabilities attend individual or small group meetings with the coordinator of student access services, typically during the first few weeks of classes, where accommodation letter and other services and supports are discussed 详细.  Students may share their accommodation letters with faculty through AIM.  As at all colleges, the success of disabilities support at Skidmore depends significantly on the student's willingness and ability to seek the help they need and to follow through with academic and other recommendations.

In addition to the more specialized assistance available in the Office of Student Academic Services, Skidmore provides an excellent range of support services for the 一般学生人数. 的se services include a writing center, Peer Academic Coaching and tutoring services,  a world language laboratory and a counseling center.

Applicants should bear in mind that all Skidmore students must fulfill core and major requirements of the Skidmore curriculum, which represents Skidmore's definition of 健全的文科教育. Under a few exceptional circumstances, the college may consider substituting a course or courses for a particular curriculum requirement. In such instances, students talk first with the coordinator to determine whether the substitution request is supported by documentation. 然后发送推荐 to the Committee of Academic Standing. 的re is nothing automatic in the course-substitution process, and the college holds final authority in determining degree requirements.

Students or parents who have further questions about support for students with disabilities at Skidmore should contact the Office of 学生学术服务, at either 518-580-8150 or Meg Hegener, coordinator of student access services, 518-580-8161, email mhegener@iscofe.net.

~ Office of 学生学术服务, revised March 2017 ~